Let us be creative – what comes to your mind when you think of “steel”? “Solid buildings”, “grey in colour”, perhaps “sustainability”. But not “love” first of all, I reckon. So to speak steel as the wallflower?
If this resembles your perspective on steel, I would like to encourage you to give your love a second chance – because there is far more than just the words mentioned above. This is what the World Steel Association is also convinced of: Steel as an adorable partner, as someone you love spending your time with! To bring this message to a larger audience the World Steel Association has started #lovesteel, a series of short films that show how attractive and exciting a professional career in steel can be. And guess what: Where do you find lovers? Exactly: at Salzgitter Group!
Therefore partners from the World Steel Association came to visit and produced a #lovesteel-film with us a few weeks ago. In their luggage: cameras, lights, microphones. In the spotlight: Veronika Reimer, engineer at the power plant of the Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH. Starting at Salzgitter in 2008 Veronika Reimer was able to tell a lot about her job and the fascination of being an engineer in steel. What ended up in a two-minute-clip is the result of two hours of work. First of all the perfect setting had to be found, lights tested and directed, microphones adjusted. Finally the filming began – it took some time until everything was in the box and the perfect result was found. But now we can proudly present #lovesteel at Salzgitter!
Steel, quite loveable, isn’t it?